What Causes “Double Vision”?
One eye health symptom we encounter is what we call “double vision,” or diplopia. While some causes of double vision are relatively insignificant, others are serious and should receive immediate medical attention.
Here are some of the common causes of double vision:
  • Lens Problems. The most common lens problem that causes double vision is known Cataracts. Cataracts can affect and distort vision in one or both eyes, and are treatable with minor surgery.
  • Corneal Problems. It’s common for double vision caused by an issue with the cornea to affect just one of your eyes. Corneal problems include corneal scars, dry corneas, and corneal infections.
  • Muscle Problems.   A weak eye muscles can distort vision, as the week eye can no longer move smoothly with the healthy eye. Week eye muscles are seen in people with certain autoimmune illnesses and thyroid conditions.
  • Nerve Problems. Conditions such as multiple sclerosis and diabetes can damage to the nerves that control the eye muscles, leading to double vision.
  • Brain Problems. The brain connects directly to nerves that control the eyes, and visual processing happens in the brain. Consequently, there are a number of brain problems that can lead to double vision, including strokes, brain tumors, migraines, brain trauma, and aneurysms.

Anytime someone reports having double vision, it’s important that we see them in the office to determine the cause and address the underlying reason for it!


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