Is Your Computer Screen Hurting Your Vision?
Desktops, laptops, iPads and tablets, smartphones…as the advent of technology has become even more prevalent in people’s everyday lives, we’re starting to see more and more how it affects patients’ vision.

The difference between viewing a computer screen and reading text on a piece of paper is significant, from distances and lighting to the sharpness of words on a screen versus print. Viewing a computer screen makes your eyes work much harder, which can result in Computer Vision Syndrome.

If you’re suffering from headaches, burning or tired eyes, blurred vision, or a loss of focus, you may have Computer Vision Syndrome. Other vision problems can be exacerbated by viewing computer screens as well.

Your optometrist can determine if you are suffering from Computer Vision Syndrome and treat it accordingly. There are several adjustments you can make that will help ease your discomfort, such as the angle at which your computer screen is positioned and how close you sit to your monitor. There are also specialty glasses and vision therapy programs that we can recommend depending on your situation.

The first step to treating Computer Vision Syndrome is to get a proper diagnosis from your optometrist, so call and schedule an exam with us and we will help you address the problem. Are you suffering from Computer Vision Syndrome symptoms? Share your experience in the comments below.


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