Combat Spring Allergies

We’ve all been waiting anxiously for the weather to clear up and spring to arrive, and it’s finally here! However, spring weather comes with the frustration of eye allergies for some. Here’s our advice on combating the flare-ups of eye allergies in the springtime.
- Pinpoint the problem first. Verify that the arrival of allergens like pollen is what’s exacerbating your eye issues—if the problem is a new eyedrop or contact lens, it can be treated differently.
- Sunglasses are a great way to protect your eyes from the many allergens floating around in the spring. Take other measures like keeping your car windows rolled up and staying indoors during high pollen count times (such as early evening).
- Antihistamines and decongestants are also helpful in combating your allergies. Schedule an appointment and ask us about what we recommend for your particular situation—in some cases you may need a prescription-strength antihistamine like Zyrtec or Claritin.
- Adjust how you clean. Sweeping and even vacuuming can stir up dust mites and other allergens, while using a wet mop on surface areas that aren’t carpeted will help contain the problem. Wash your bedding more frequently as well.
- Keep your hands away from your eyes. Rubbing them will only irritate your symptoms, making your discomfort worse in the long run.
What are some other ways you have found to help alleviate your eye allergy symptoms? Share your experience in the comments below.
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