December is Safe Toys & Gifts Month It’s the most wonderful time of the year, with the holiday season and Christmas shopping in full swing. It’s also a time of increased toy-related injuries to children, which is why December is Safe Toys & Gifts Awareness month. So what are some ways to ensure the toys you give and receive this season are of minimal risk to children? Here are some suggestions from Prevent Blindness America: Follow the age-appropriate guidelines when it comes to gifts. The suggested guidelines can be very helpful in determining at what age a child can safely play with a toy. Examine any toys to determine their safety before allowing your child to play with them. Be sure that any sports equipment is given or used with the appropriate protective wear (sports goggles, helmets, etc.). Save warranties and receipts for toys—and provide gift receipts for recipients. Remember that nothing can substitute your better judgment. If you feel a toy mi...
Showing posts from December, 2017